Buy ZEUSX Premined Coins
Buy ZEUSX and pay with ZEUSxPay
Requires an EVM wallet that accepts ZRC-20 tokens. Don't have an EVM wallet CLICK HERE for MetaMask
(Minimum 1 ZEUS required)
1 ZEUSX @ $2.19500
How to use the BUY ZEUSX dashboard
ZEUSxPay is Formerly DiVinciPay
Step 1
To begin, please ensure to add the ZEUS Mainnet to your MetaMask wallet. Open your Metamask browser extension (a) and select the drop down menu. Scroll down and select + Add network (b) and then follow the ZEUS Mainnet credentials to add the ZEUS Mainnet to your Metamask wallet (c)
Step 2
Now that you have successfully installed the ZEUS Mainnet, follow these steps to buy ZEUSX premined coins:
Select the Amount: In the "Buy ZEUSX Premined Coins" form, choose the number of tokens you want to purchase. After selecting the amount, click the blue "Buy ZEUSX" button.(d)
Add Your Wallet Address: Enter your wallet address in the "Your Wallet Address" field. To find this, open your MetaMask browser extension, ensure you are logged into the ZEUSX Mainnet, and copy your ZEUS Chain wallet address. Paste it into the form.(e)(f)(g)
Choose Payment Method: Click the blue "CRYPTO" payment method button to open ZEUSxPay.(h)
Select Your Chain Network and Token: In ZEUSxPay, use the first dropdown menu to choose your chain network (e.g., ETH, BNB, ZEUSX, MATIC, AVAX, BASE). Use the second dropdown to select the token you want to use for payment. ZEUSxPay, formerly DiVinciPay, supports over 270 tokens.(i)(j)
Complete Payment: Click the green "PAY WITH METAMASK" button, and your MetaMask browser extension will open. Check the details and then click the blue "Confirm" button.(k)
Wait for Confirmation: After you confirm, ZEUSxPay, formerly DiVinciPay will show a message saying, "Transaction Awaiting Confirmation." Do not close or refresh your browser during this process, as it may cause a loss of data and is non-refundable.(l)
Payment Success: Once the transaction is complete, a green "PAYMENT SUCCESSFUL" message will appear, confirming that your ZEUSX premined coins have been delivered to your ZEUS Chain wallet.(m)